S.R.D.A.V.Public School,

Sonia Vihar Malhipur Road, Saharanpur-247001

Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 05/07/2023 Event End Date 10/04/2024

Virtual father's day was  celebrated at SR DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL SONIA VIHAR SAHARANPUR on 18-06-2023,the local school SRDAV PUBLIC SCHOOL SONIA VIHAR SAHARANPUR celebrated Father's Day in virtual form.

Really surprising and encouraging response was received from the parents. The programme was like this;

Mann Ki Baat,quick receipe,poetry recitation,and best Buddies etc.

The programme started with Gyatri Mantra chanting as per the Indian Vedic Tradition.

Prapti aggarwal a student of Dayanand house , class Xi gave a mesmerizing presentation by the student of her house.After that class 10 student Avni gave a mesmerizing presentation by the student of her house.thereafter Sneha Ganguly of class 12 Shradanand house and arishma Jain of class X gave presentation by the students of Virjanand sadan. Sanskar Chaursia and his father became the Best Buddies in the questions and answers sessions between father and son.

All the parents present participated in the program very enthusiastically.

At he end of the program the Principal of the school thanked everyone in her golden words and praised the presentations of the students.The program was conducted  by Mr. kamal Luthra ji

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S.R.D.A.V.Public School

Sonia Vihar Malhipur Road,
e-mail- principalsrdav@gmail.com

website- srdavsre.com

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